About Us

We are Matt and Camella.
Matt is a transplant from Northampton, England; Camella is a Michigan native. It's a typical boy chats-with-girl on-the-internet-meets-her-in-person-and-decides-to-move story. (Actually, it's much more complicated than that, but hang in there, and we might share our story with you!)

We are navigating life and loving Jesus together. We live in Michigan and have two hilarious cats - Hurley and Mogi. And yes, Hurley is named after the Lost character. 


This is us with my family. We love these people.
Check out our friend Kim's photography page!

This is Mogi, and he has the fangs to prove it.
Name the series where his name comes from and you will recieve 100 points for Gryffindor. 

This is Hurley aka Bubz aka Bubbers.
He likes to smell people's hair.

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